read this first

Why am I starting this blog?

When I was still an undergrad, the few humanities classes I took were often a nice break from the usual onslaught of math, science, bullshit, more math, ineffable theory in the form of math, and yet more math. I ended up really enjoying writing essays on Kafka, philosophy, and other useless things, but I definitely wouldn’t have polished them to the point of retrospectively admiring them today if I knew no one would ever read them.

So it’s as simple as that. Although I’ve continued writing throughout the years, its mostly been a collection of unrefined brain dumps that physically hurt to look at as time passes. As scary as it is, I’m hoping that writing somewhat publicly will fix that.

So, to mitigate some of the scariness of publishing to the internet – a few disclaimers to start. As life is about growth, I reserve the right to change my mind about anything I’ve written. Opinions here are probably not even my own and for sure do not reflect my employer. I have no convictions because I don’t know anything, and I support all of you in your own individual paths and beliefs.

Finally, the great disclaimer is please don’t take anything here too seriously. I’m sincerely not trying to offend anyone, and if something seems offensive, it’s just meant to be a joke. For example, I obviously don’t think humanities are useless, despite stating so earlier. Without my German literature class, I would not be able to walk around referring to things as Kafkaesque.

Please enjoy reading :)